The whole "random" thing is really getting old. I mean, y'know. Whatever was said about taking a full slice of the wishing tree... It just seems so early 2004.
Good animation style, though. The end made me giggle a little bit, too.
The whole "random" thing is really getting old. I mean, y'know. Whatever was said about taking a full slice of the wishing tree... It just seems so early 2004.
Good animation style, though. The end made me giggle a little bit, too.
Good musical choice. I say that with pride. Something about the song you picked really fit in with what was going on.
Anyhow, this movie was moderatly okay. It didn't have much... anything, but the animations make up for it. Also, there was no real "ending". It was just a really abrubt switch back to the title screen. That could use some work.
Not bad.
I love claymation. It really shows an arists hard work. This was a wonderful example.
One complaint- it's really, really big. I mean, three megs for a 30 second vid? Just cut down the quality a little bit. Probably sound.
Nice work!
It was cute... but really repetetive. I understand that it's a music video, but I really didn't want to watch mario pound on an offsync drumset.
So... awesome.
Dude, that's one hell of a Japanese project you've put together, there. I love how this is like, one big analogy. It all corresponds to what kids feel when they have finals week and stuff like that coming up.
You did an amazing job.
Very cute.
Another great movie.
This is quite amazing! It's oh-so entirely true, also. My friends and I always go into game stores and just rant on about how bad games are and how good games are and random crap like that, so I really connected to this flick.
Good job!
Impressive. The graphical style is fairly unique. It seems very loony-toonsish, which is something that nobody really concentrates on, nowdays. Good job!
Very smooth.
It's very nicely made. However, most of the action takes place on one side of the screen. Hah.
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Age 38, Male
Seattle, WA
Joined on 5/23/03